Are You What You Eat or What You Digest?

“We only live as long as the stomach is capable of digesting what we put in it.” – How To Eat to Live Book 2
It is starting to become widely accepted among the general public that we are what we eat. However, now scientists are taking it up another level to inform us that we are not necessarily what we eat but what we are able to digest. So what is the difference?
Remember sitting in your P.E./Health class and learning all about the body? On many occasions most of us were taught that the stomach digests our food and what our bodies didn’t need it expelled it as waste. This type of teaching is partly true.
The rest that was left out that has been continuously affecting each and everyone of us who puts food in our mouths is that some of those food items that our bodies don’t need actually get into our circulation or bloodstream, thus wreaking havoc in places they decide to settle in.
Along the pathway of digestion (which actually starts in the mouth yet some debate with what you smell), starches are partially broken down in the mouth and the food particles travel to the stomach by way of the esophagus. Once there the HCl (hydrochloric acid) that we are supposed to have present starts to breakdown some of our proteins and kill any potential bacteria that may have joined on for the ride.
Ideally after proteins are broken and often food particles ‘sanitized’ , it travels to the small intestine where the majority of digestion and absorption takes place. It is this designated area that helps us to take in the nutrients that we need and also block out (defend) us from the substances we don’t need. Yet when we don’t eat the best of foods as taught in How to Eat to Live, we extend out an invitation for unwanted invaders to make the crossover at this point.
Many allergic reactions, autoimmune conditions and unnecessary pain and inflammation stem from this moment when such substances cross over from the small intestines into our blood stream. This is why eating the BEST of foods is critical!
(A Houston native, Shareefah Muhammad is a QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis) Practitioner, Nutritional Lifestyle Consultant/Coach, wife, mother, community servant, blogger, presenter, and business owner of Nu Day Services and Powder Power products. Visit her website: