Are You What You Eat or What You Digest?
Featured ·
February 9 2020
It is starting to become widely accepted among the general public that we are what we eat. However, now scientists are taking it up another level to inform us that we are not necessarily what we eat but what we are able to digest. So what is the difference?

Ziada: The Back Story
April 12 2020
After searching we found an item called Joss Mako Sticks and went to work on our experimentation. It worked fabulously! Not only did it repel mosquitoes but pretty much any insect that flies around and makes buzzing sounds; except bees, so we cut back on the lavender (smile).

Powder Power: A Better Alternative than Johnson and Johnson
February 8 2020
“Baby Powder is asbestos free,” Johnson & Johnson said in a lawsuit in 1999. Yet here we are 29 years and hundreds of lawsuits later discovering that J&J lied about the presence of a carcinogenic substance called asbestos that contaminated its talc that has been in its baby powder products since the 1970’s.

Why My Powder Fetish is not Killing Me Now!
February 8 2020
I must admit that I was indeed a baby/body powder addict in my former life! Whether it was Johnson and Johnson’s baby powder varieties (Original, Aloe or Lavender Chamomile) or their more adult like deodorizing scents by Shower to Shower, they were definitely a household staple in my daily hygienic regiment.

Pomegranate’s Life Extending Revelation
February 8 2020
The journey of studying food as a medicine has revealed many gems of knowledge that I have started practicing and am eager to share with our readers. Recently I came across some amazing benefits of pomegranates and it led me back to the Holy Quran in which this miraculous fruit is mentioned three times!

Apple Cider Vinegar Spiced Tea
February 8 2020
A lot of times when we hear the word detox we think of something green yet not all detoxifying foods/substances have to be in that color range. So we decided to share a post of a wonderful detoxifying drink that may appeal to those of us who may be turned off by the idea that something good for us has to be green.

Is Sugar Impacting Your Mood?
February 8 2020
Did you know that when we consume too much sugar, especially in the form of refined white sugar or high fructose corns syrup that our brains have a negative reaction to it, therefore affecting our behavior?

Food As A Medicine Series: Resistant Starches
February 8 2020
Resistant Starches – What I found most unique because it is not talked about most times we hear about carbs.